has had a refresh! The updated portal is currently still in beta and we would appreciate any bug reports.

Convert emissions pathways into temperatures
An online tool for running MAGICC7 using custom emissions pathways.
For non-commercial use. See the Data License for more information about how results can be used.

MAGICC is going open-source
MAGICC is a community reduced complexity climate model, which has a long history of over 30 years. It was developed by many individual across the globe, affiliated with numerous institutions.
The MAGICC development team has been working hard to bring MAGICC open-source in the near future. This effort comes as part of ESM2025, a European research project funded by the European Commission's H2020 programme. There are a number of other research projects in the works which couple to, extend or use MAGICC so watch this space!
MAGICC is described in Meinshausen et al, (2011), with updates in Meinshausen et al. (2020). As we are working on more up to date descriptions, stay tuned and look out for upcoming papers by Nicholls et al. or Meinshausen et al.